Passionate About Life | Family

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

+ Son | Home Again

Tampines Aveu 5  Rainbow over Poi Ching School
I received a call while at work just before lunch today.

The Call Most Waited For

It was my son calling from the Malacca, Malaysia. He was heading back to Singapore right after lunch, but before that, their group will make the last visit to the Batik Making Factory.

I was delighted to receive his call, and had been anxiously waiting for him to come back home again. 4 days seemed kind of long, and yes lonely without his presence. I truly feel how J. Andrews must have felt whenever his children were away.

He will be home about 6:oo to 8:00pm this evening. I was ecstatic to receive him home again.

At The End Of The Rainbow

Malaysia  Ethnic Batik Cloth & PaintingsI left work promptly to buy his favourite dinner and want to know all the things he saw, places he visited and all his experiences while he was away.

Interestingly enough, I saw a large rainbow that seemed to "shoot out" from the roof of Poi Ching School roof, that is beside my block. Awesome sight.

The first one I ever saw since I moved here, 11 years ago.

I just had to snap a photo to prove to everyone the phenomenal joy I was feeling. I do not have to, no one really cares... but I just need to.

The photo did not turn out that good with my cell phone camera, but then, who cares!

It was as if to welcome my son back home. That was how wonderful a feeling I have to see him after time away.

I know I am making a big deal out of this, I am being over sensitive, over-dramatic even, but I cannot help it as it was his very first time away from us.

Tampines Aveu 5  Rainbow over Poi Ching School
Why The Pale Face?

I saw his sneakers outside our door. Our son is safely home. Thank The Almighty!

Pressed the doorbell and expecting an excited boy to greet me as I was as excited to see him.

Instead, a pale sickly and tired boy opened the door...

"Ayah, I don't feel well," was the first sentence he said to me. Oh man! What happened?

He had a slight fever. Bet you it was from the lack of sleep. Too much fun, too little rest. It is expected when you leave 4 energetic boys to a room with all the freedom without adult supervision.

He came to me with his body breaking out in hives a little later while I was preparing dinner I just bought.

Oh great! This is going to be a long night! Wait till his mom gets home.

By now I know his fever has triggered the hives to appear. He had that happen to him before, quite a long while ago. It could also be triggered if he had too warm a bath, or sweltering weather. He could also get it if he eat too much eggs.

"I had lots of scrambled eggs at the hotel everyday, they were great..." he confessed when asked. Figured.

Got him to take a bath and dabbed the welts with Mopiko.

Yeah, yeah, I know. I should us Calamine lotion instead, but that was the only one available to ease his intense itchiness.

Eat his dinner and had his pink Panadol for kids for his fever. He laid and dozed off in front of the TV until his bedtime. Poor boy.

Malaysia  Ethnic Batik Cloth & Paintings
Then There Was The All Nighter!

I was woken-up by him at about 2:00am in the morning.

He had a runny nose and it was blocked, he could hardly breathe. No wheezing, that is good!

The 3-month preventive medication for his asthma has proven to be effective. Thank The Almighty!

He had to sleep propped-up, almost in a sitting position to ease his breathing after a decongestant nose drops was given. No fever, that was good.

He kept me worrying about him all night as I laid beside him until he fell asleep. Wify was so tired from her work at the shop that she was a total log.

At this hour, I know I am not able to go to work today. I was spent! I need take him to the doctors tomorrow morning. Wait... It is morning now!

I am so very tired! I have to knock off now.


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