Danish at Botanic Garden Palm Court Visitor's Centre Had a call at the office from my son this morning.
He asked for permission to go out with his classmates from Saint Hilda's Primary School in the afternoon for a movie Sky High at Tampines Mall Cineplex.
Quite a shock to hear such request because that was his first time going out with his friends to hang-out and watch a movie.
It was a mixed feeling proud of him growing up in confidence, at the same time contemplating in my mind if it was wise to let him go "out with friends" as he is only ten years old.
Sponteneously the following questions came to mind for him to satisfy me with his answers:
- One, who he was going with?
- Answer: Two of his classmates - Joel and Andrew.
- Which cinema they were going?
- Answer: Tampines Mall Cineplex.
- What show time was the movie?
- Answer: 2:oopm
With the answers, came the conditions:
- Must bring along his cell phone with him at all times.
- Must only go for the movie and no hanging around the mall afterwards.
- Must come back straight home before 6:00pm.
- And yes, Mama must concur with me, before he could go.
With the stipulated conditions agreed upon (well, I made him promise), then came the goodies:
- Get S$20.00 from my drawer.
- To spend only for the ticket, food and drinks.
- Must account for the money spent and return the balance back to me.
With that, I bid him to enjoy the movie and the afternoon with his buddies.
Wow! Thinking back when I was at that age, I was still ignorant and totally had no confidence to venture out of my Kampong or village, with my friends especially of the same age. And that was if my parents would ever allow such request or we were courageous enough to ask.
I gathered, him being an only child, and mixing around with us most of his time when not at school, he is somewhat mature and independent for his age. We let him decide as much as we possibly can and ensure that he can be responsible for his choices.
Nothing major or life-altering path mind you, but just give him room to grow, make-up his own mind and trust him (with "a pinch of salt" of course) for him to trust us back and make good, sensible and responsible decisions.
We feel the line of communication will always be open this way, even when he is in his teens (God help us) when we as parents are honest, open and importantly approachable. The utimate virtue we treasure is the mutual trust between us.
In return, we see conduct himslef well at school with the numerous badges his teacher awarded him. Does his homework without being told to. Does it with minimal help us and consistently does a good job at it too. We know he puts genuine effort in his work.
Delightfully, he has been getting distintions for all his tests for English, Math, Science and Social Studies. The recently ended final examination was no different with the exception of his mother tongue - Malay Language. Something we have to practice more since it is almost not spoken.
He is fast growing up and a responsible young boy he has become indeed. I am proud of him; of his intellegence to absorb facts fast, his curious and analytical mind - always asking and researching for answers, his achievements and self-confidence, his independence despite his tender age. And not at all a social misfit.
Yet he remains respectful and filial to his parents. We thank Allah for blessings us and showing us the path to nuture our child proper.